1-2 hours is a short response… Of course, each carpet is unique. In general, the larger the area to be cleaned, the longer it will take.  As an example, the average three-bedroom home requires around 1.5 hours of cleaning time.

This depends on the equipment and method we employ, the weather, the kind of carpet and ventilation. On a good day, your carpets should be dry by the end of the day. During the rainy or cold months, drying periods are around 25% longer.

We utilise flat-rate pricing, which means that if you have a three-bedroom property, you will pay the same as someone else who has a three-bedroom house. Please refer to our pricing page for details

Every 12 months, they should be properly cleaned. Carpet life is enhanced when it is cleaned and kept properly. 

We believe Steam Cleaning is the best method. The water heats up to extreme temperature and creates steam which is high heat.
This method helps to break down stubborn dirt, stains and debris getting superior cleaning results.